Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Spring Flowers on the Mountain ~
 It's been awhile since I posted on the blog and today the sun was shinning . I  took the camera to share with you the joy of spring flowers here in the mountains. We have lived in this house in the valley of the mountains for four and one half years. Very little had been done as far as gardening to the yard. Being raised by many generations of gardeners, the yard became somewhat like a canvas. The grape hyacinths are natural to the yard. They actually stream down the side of the mountain. After the hyacinths, there will be lots of wild daises.
 We planted five of these into the woods on our property. Only three of them are blooming. Once, I unearth some of the leaves, the lilies of the valley and other woodland flowers will be seen.
 The wild violets are all over the back of the mountain. These are right below the blueberry bushes and lavender.
 Daffodils have been a favorite spring flower of mine for as long as I can remember. Each fall I will plant about two hundred bulbs throughout the yard. This spring the daffodils are especially bright and seem to be everywhere in the mountains. Traveling down the road, you can see an empty field with yellow daffodils blooming. The orange pink of this daffodil really attracts the bees.
                       This tiny narcissis is amazingly fragrant. It is also a double bloomer.
 While setting in the violets, I looked up into the blue sky and thought, what a luxury to be able to sit outside in the middle of the day to feel the breeze softly blowing. The trees are surging with sap and soon their leaves will be out.
  Mayapples are growing all through the woods along with wild roses and blackberries and brambles.
 On Sunday, I saw the first butterfly in the yard. Yesterday, I made a batch of sugar water for the hummingbird feeder. It hangs proudly outside. The second week of April is when the hummingbirds came last year. The male flew next to the window letting me know he was back. This year, I am ready.
 These beauties are growing next to the foundation of the green house. I had to hold back the butterfly bushes to take the photograph. I noticed the angel trumpet or dactura has come back from last year growing next to these daffodils.
These were planted in the fall to circle the red leaf maple which was a mother's day gift for last year. I planted lupine seeds or Texas Bluebonnets all around the tree. The early daffodils have already bloomed. There must have been hundreds of the yellow King Alfred in front of the house this year. It took them three years to bloom. Now, there is a story to go along with this...I'll save it for another time.


  1. Wow! I love your orange & cream daffodil - how beautiful!!!!

    Thank you for sharing the mountain flowers - it is still so cold here in England that our spring flowers are lagging behind ...

    1. Each day something new breaks I saw the lilac was covered in purple blossoms.Swirls of hostas were coming up...and a scarlet tanger came to the bird feeder!
