Thursday, May 30, 2013

Peas, Blueberries, Plants, and a Haiku for Sunflowers ~
 This is the fourth year for our blueberry plants. We are netting them this weekend to keep the birds from eating this delicious berries.
 The peas are beginning to reach the top of the trellis. St. Francis is watching over this small raised bed which now has tomatoes, peppers, marigolds, nasturtiums, and basil. This year, I planted quite a few packages of seeds. The rosemary is just beginning to grow. The sage is about ready to transplant. I must have planted at least five packages of sunflower seeds. The best results came from the black sunflower seeds we feed to the birds. Not labeling the packages, I planted about six in the flower bed below. Right behind the hosta are some red lilies. This is the third year for the lilies and a baby came up next to one of the adult plants.
 A Haiku for today's poem
Sunflower peat pots
Dig a hole plant sunflowers
Mountain earth sunflower home
 At the edge of the yard as you come up from the mountain, I have planted a garden in front of the studio. This is the first year the azaleas have bloomed. The day lilies from the Southwest Virginia Museum are just about ready to bloom.
When the wild geraniums and the Japanese Anemone find a place they like, they tend to spread. The geranium is in front of the sculpture created by Margaret Gregg from  Abingdon, Virginia.


  1. Spring is so grand as we plant seeds and begin to see small shouts...I look forward to seeing the grown sunflowers! Refresh, renew, and refocus...Spring!

    1. Ah, the joy of spring and such lush green here in the mountains.
