The mountains are a luscious green upon green here. Yet, the evening before the Harvest Moon, there was just a hint of a chill in the air. The chill that creates the sweetness of Ginger Gold apples from the Mullins orchard and pumpkins turning orange on the vine.
Just the time to share some fall fused glass jewelry with you.
The moon and stars watching over you as you wish on the first star. The white is a opal white glass that just seems to mimic opals.
The orange streaky glass is a Bullseye glass with orange, white, and green shimmering with a bit of aventurine within the glass.
Jack the pumpkin carved face is quite famous for many Halloween stories and a few Jack tales as well. This pumpkin face is cut from copper as are the leaves, moon, and stars. Each glass seems to create different colors in the copper.
All the glass art is unique one of a kind. They are all available for sale. ~
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