Late Summer in the Gardens
A close up of the hydragenda blossom
This butterfly plant was grown from seeds I started in the greenhouse. It is blooming just before the Monarchs are due for arrival.
These lovely anemone spread and threatened to take over the yard. They have been contained this year and a large beetle has been loving the leaves.
I must have planted six packages of nasturium seeds everywhere. Some bloomed and some didn't. These seeds came from Hudson Valley Seeds.
A geranium which usually blooms in early spring but came up a few weeks ago.
I cast these cleome seeds all over the yard. They have come up in the most interesting places.
I found this flower bulb discounted at the grocery store in Big Stone Gap.
These seeds I found at Millmont Garden Center in Stuarts Draft, Virginia.
My most successful flower seeds: snap dragons. I grew so many of these that I donated them to the Norton Elementary School farmer's market in May.
Scarlet runner beans are grown for the hummingbirds. These beans can grow ten feet!
Entrance to the green house is covered with these black eyed susans. They are in several gardens especially near the front of the house growing up through the moss.
Cuttings of lavender that are three months old! I simply snipped leaves from plants. I put the ends in a rooting hormone. I placed them in a seed growing mixture in the greenhouse. They continue to grow.
This beauty came up from a seed mixture and is two years old.
Spider plant or cleome growing in between the angel trumpet.
One of my grandaughter's favorite plants, she calls them poppers. When they go to seed, you touch the seed pod and they fly everywhere.
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