Thursday, February 26, 2015

Snow and Orchids

 Snow, snow, and more snow with an additional four inches last night. This mound of snow is right outside the studio door. The corner is the path Ray has shoveled out for us to walk penguin style to the car avoiding slipping. We had 19 inches on Saturday. Schools and colleges are closed. Some roads get plowed some don't. Mail hasn't been delivered in over a week. Fed Ex and UPS have come most days.
                           A rather large snow plate that almost seems blue in all the snow.
 I am a gardener inside and outside. Thought I would share a view with you that I see from the table. It is a window filled with my orchids and cyclamen. The little  hand blown glass bird is from a trip we took to England. The round glass was a gift from our children. You can see the green house and the outside porch all covered in snow.
 Orchids are relatively new to me. I have been taking care of them for about two years now. I have learned after losing several they like to be misted. I actually spray all our houseplants everyday with water that is room temperature.
 After talking to my brother in law Monroe and my friend Fiona, I now water the orchids really well about every two weeks. This is a very special little orchid. She bloomed after being dormant. These are the new flowers and blooms. She is very tiny and enjoys being near the window.
 Cyclamen have their own way of telling me when they need to be watered. We have only one that is four years old. The others were purchased at a Valentine's Day clearance. They do really make you smile as you look upon the table filled with flowers in this snow.
 The view outside the studio window with birds patiently waiting for their turns at the feeders. The cardinal is almost breathtaking red against the snow and dark colors of the woods.
Another view of the cardinal with the snow covered roof of the house and one of the little houses in the yard. Our road is covered in snow this morning. The studio is a busy place with glass being cut to create flowers and jewelry. Under all of this snow are the green shoots of daffodils waiting with more patience than I have. ~

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