Saturday, March 26, 2011

Squirrel, tulips, and wildflowers

A friend just sent us the book, Outwitting Squirrels by Bill Adler, Jr. This critter actually got swatted with the broom this morning while just looking at me. Back regularly and pushing up the wire around the feeder. The birds pay the squirrel no mind as they feed on the three feeders hanging from a pole the squirrels are not able to climb. Sometimes the birds and the squirrel feed together.
These beauties actually have two buds on each tulip blossom. The bright pink of the primroses has attracted lots of bees.

This is a wild jasmine filled with blossoms. If the sun continues to shine, buds will be open in a week or so.
The yard is filled with wild violets and wild hyacinth. They start at the top of the property and grow all the way down the bottom of the mountain. The mayapples and solomon seal are beginning to unfurl. Hard to make glass or paper when the weather is so nice.
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