Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Faery Door

Faery Door

I purchased these doors at Hobby Lobby. They are in the dollhouse section.

First, we gessoed the door.

Waiting was the hard part for an eight year old. She painted the door a variety

of colors. She added glitter acrylic paint to the door.

We will add a door knocker tomorrow. This came from Sky Blue Pink.

She is working on badges. She completed her faery badge today.

She made a wand, a faery door, read about Faeries in Brian Froud's books, and created a container of faery dust.

To make the wand, she walked outside to find just the right stick for her hand.

She scraped off the bark. She painted it a wash of blue paint. She chose a blue

wire for wiring the beads. She randomly placed sparkedly beads on the wire

as I helped to secure the wire. We finished with swirleys on the wire.Posted by Picasa

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